Patient Zone




Help! I Keep Interrupting People On Video Conferencing

Do you interrupt people or interact with a person who has this habit? If you answered yes to either of these questions, let’s explore why people exhibit this behavior and examine strategies to stop

Phexxi; Have You Heard About This New Hormone-Free Contraceptive?

She is sick of using birth control, but now is not the right time to get pregnant. The “pull and pray” method is too...

Exposing America’s Frontline Doctors and Their Financial Empire Built on Hydroxychloroquine

America's Frontline Doctos, founded by Simone Gold is simply a poorly concealed business designed to sell Hydroxychloroquine to gullible consumers

Blocking Airflow During a Pandemic Helps the Covid Virus Spread. Open Your Windows

We need to open our windows to reduce the transmission of Covid-19 in our buildings and classrooms. Fresh air helps remove viral particles from our environment.