Cloudbreak Health
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Cloudbreak Health
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The complexity of delivering care continually distracts us from our core purpose: healing. All patients want more timely & high-quality care. All providers want to practice in a way that serves the best interest of their patients. Everyone wants technology that enables, not inhibits.
Telehealth: Carenection
Innovating the new standard for delivering on-demand access of clinical expertise from anywhere to anywhere.
Language Services: Martti
Built upon 15 years of providing interpretation services, we offer certified medical interpreters, delivered at your point of care.
4 years ago
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A recent study found that 4 in 10 adults found the vaccine process difficult, and another 4 in 10 adults reported needing assistance to schedule their vaccination
Businesses and Companies offering medical solutions to the health sector, including products, Pharma, Research, AI and Marketing.
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