Patient Zone




Managing Menopause-Related Weight Gain

Studies suggest that menopause does cause a number of physiological changes that can affect weight, including increased fat mass (total body fat and especially visceral fat), decreased muscle mass, and reduced energy expenditure.

What is Hemophilia?

Hemophilia is where individuals have deficiencies or defects of those clot fortifying blood factors. There are different hemophilia types, termed hemophilia A, B, and C

Businesses Take Heed - Time to Embrace Preventive Care

Four in five Americans have health insurance, one in four didn’t get a routine checkup last year. Nearly 3.31 million people reported that they have never had a checkup in their life

A Doctor Responds to a Family Member About the Covid-19 Vaccine

I am happy to respectfully engage with anyone regarding questions about the covid-19 vaccine as it is the #1 thing we can do to get our lives back to normal!!