Patient Zone




Not Simply Masking, But Double Masking Is Needed

Masks need to be more efficient, and therein lies the rationale for double masking. Increased transmissibility in new variants should be all the justification we need.

Bipartisan Texas Prison Reform Air Conditioning Bill Dies Without a Vote in Texas Senate

Texas HB 357 bill to require air conditioning and climate control in Texas prisons failed to get a vote in the 2021 Legislative session despite bipartisan support.

Potential Health Expenses for Canadians to Consider With Aging

Do you already have an existing health issue? Are you impacted currently by a chronic illness or disability? What has your healthcare team advised you to plan for as you age?

Celebrate the Modern Medical Miracle of Vaccinations

One of the most important things we can do to protect our children is to ensure that they are properly immunized on time and in compliance with the immunization schedule set by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).