Patient Zone




Worshiping at The Alter of Zach Bush’s Messianic Health Cult

Zach Bush examined again, in response to supporters of the alternative health community and the health cult Bush has built around himself. Is he a quack?

Oleander 4X Snakeoil. The Story Behind a Fake Covid Cure

This is the story of how a pharma company has milked a practically useless compound for the last 20 years, misleading its investors and offering the public hopes of miracle cures for everything from Alzheimer's, to cancers and Covid.

Dear “Digital Health Leaders And Healthcare Leaders,” You May Be Inadvertently Hurting Patients

Your end-users are ultimately patients, no matter who uses your product. A healthcare professional makes a direct request to the digital health sector

Does Pharma Need Independent DNA Oversight?

Our survival as a species could be placed in jeopardy if we don't begin to police treatments that place our DNA in harms way. Oversight is needed.