Mental Health




The Remarkable Research Of CAR T Therapy: B Cell Cancers

The first installment lays the foundation for understanding how CAR T works. This second piece delves into the use of CAR T to treat B cell cancers.

Policies and Policing Didn’t Stem Opioid Abuse – Can Tech Be A Solution?

Medika Talks with Serial Health Tech Entrepreneur Jay Schiff About His Efforts to Unite Devices with Digital Health to Offer a New Pathway to Patient Care

Empathy Is An Emotional Muscle You Can Develop

When we know what it is like to suffer and have come through the other side healed, we can hold more capacity for others and be empathetic.

Help! I Keep Interrupting People On Video Conferencing

Do you interrupt people or interact with a person who has this habit? If you answered yes to either of these questions, let’s explore why people exhibit this behavior and examine strategies to stop