Disorders and Conditions




Patient/Therapist Confidentiality Has Its Limits. What Are They?

Once someone enters psychotherapy, they expect that whatever they say during a session will be protected by confidentiality, but this is not always the case.

Mental Health Disorders Occur Frequently After Covid-19

Long Covid symptoms such as intense fatigue, brain fog, sleep disorders, fever, loss of smell and/or taste, headaches, tremors and others, even after mild infection are common and are not trivial.

Flawed Research, Clever Marketing, and the Failure of a Depression Theory

Research based on cherry-picking statistics and small studies suited the needs of the pharmaceutical industry, but it may have been all wrong.

Memory-Mind-Muscles, the Stunning Formula For Your Brain’s Functioning

Too often, exercise is chalked off as keeping our bodies in good shape, but there is another connection about which few know, and that's our minds.