Mental Health




Brad Pitt Believes He May Have an Inability to Recognize Faces, Prosopagnosia

Once again we are reminded that unusual neurologic disorders can be found in anyone and the latest to indicate he has a problem is a stellar actor.

Open letter to Mr. Emmanuel Macron, President of France on the Iran Regime’s Repression of Women’s Rights

TRANSLATION OF THIS IMPORTANT OPEN LETTER "Actions Santé Femmes is a French NGO committed to the health of women in great difficulty all around the...

Is Grieving the Death of a Pet Silly and Abnormal?

Grief, we’re told, is a normal part of love when we lose someone but when we grieve the death of a pet, it’s not always greeted as normal grieving.

The Social Innovation Summit: Catalyzing Societal Change

The Summit's power lies in its ability to assemble participants from diverse sectors, each bringing their perspectives and expertise - all dedicated to purpose and social impact