Mental Health




Sleep’s Sweet Spot. You Need This Much Sleep to Prevent Cognitive Decline

Know how long you should be sleeping each night, especially as you age? Research has identified the sweet spot for sleep

Is Your Bedroom Dark Enough?

Many of us struggle to get the optimal nightly seven to nine hours of sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society recommends that adults (ages 18 to 60) sleep seven or more hours regularly for optimal sleep health.

Unspoken Emotional Distress and Its Role in Physical Illness

Uncertain times can turn our lives into a whirlwind of confusion. Imagine what that must be like for children or young adults entering college....

Researchers Have Stepped Into the Weird World of Science Fiction

Curing disease, growing organs, and even teaching organoids to play a computer game are sending seismic waves of hope within the research community as the potential increases exponentially.