Disorders and Conditions




Interesting Findings Of Weekend Only Drinking

In their provocative recent report, researchers observe that “a significant amount of binge drinking among adults escapes public health scrutiny” because it occurs among people who drink at a moderate average level.

Has Therapeutic Touch Lost Its Way in Medicine? Or Is It Lawsuits?

Touch has become a subject of lawsuits and medical interventions. The MeToo movement pulled touch into an unexpected, negative spotlight in our culture.

Questioning the Truth That “Body Language” Tells All

Experts have come out of the woodwork to offer their insights into the true meaning and what body language reveals about someone, but is it cross-cultural or are there other considerations here?

Music Enhances Mood, Boosts Memory, and Plays a Role in Aging

Music is resistant to memory being extinguished and has been found to have a role in both soothing and stimulating us, as well as being an aid in therapy..