Anxiety and Depression




Surprising Creativity Associated with Some Forms of Dementia

We think of dementia as the overarching destruction of the brain resulting in an inability to perform daily tasks or interact appropriately, but that’s not always the case.

Heart Disease and Depression

Family history. High blood pressure. High cholesterol. Excess weight. These are the risk factors for heart disease that your doctor typically talks to you about.  Yet, there is...

The Cohen Clinic Expands Mental Health Treatments for Active Duty Service Members

The Cohen Clinic at Metrocare in Addison, Texas now offering individual mental health therapy for active duty service members.

Why Didn’t a Review Examine Whether Brief Interventions to Prevent Suicide Actually Reduced Deaths?

Every death by suicide, every effort at serious self-harm is a tragedy and a loss, not only for a person but for a circle of people for whom that person’s life has meaning.