



NY Times: College Athletes Have Had Myocarditis From COVID

Even 15% of college athletes getting myocarditis from COVID-19 is way too much. Myocarditis is no joke. Take it from me, I’ve already had it.

The “Fog” Of COVID Is Disturbing and Striking the Young and Old

You’ve had COVID, you've recovered, and now you’re having memory problems, and it’s more than upsetting. Why is it happening?

The Evolution of Quinine to Hydroxychloroquine, Covid’s Snake Oil

The evolution of Hydroxychloroquine. From malarial treatment to snake oil for curing Covid. America's love affair with quackery and snake oil explored

When It Comes to the Future of HLTH – Life Is Not a Las Vegas Roulette Wheel

The Gambling Capital of the World is an Ideal Setting for Health-Sector Predictions