



Now Is the Time To Quit

Smokers and former smokers are at increased risk of developing a more severe course of covid-19 infection, nearly double the rate of non-smokers.

Baby Born With Protective Antibodies After Maternal Covid-19 Vaccination

No pregnant person's birth plan was to deliver their baby during a global pandemic. The more than 3.7 million individuals who give birth in the United...

What Science Has To Say About “Herd Immunity”

The precise scientific term is “indirect protection” or “community immunity.” This is the protection against infection of a susceptible group of individuals

Covid-19 Moms at Higher Risk for Preterm Labor, Study Suggests

Pregnant women worldwide continue to worry about catching Covid-19 and passing the virus to their unborn baby. Each day we learn more, but much remains unknown about the coronavirus’s effects on pregnant women and babies.