Editors Choice




From The Appeals Desk: The “30 Day Readmission” Denial

Insurance company denials are terribly frustrating. They delay prompt processing of claims. They require annoying extra steps to get paid. And, frequently, they require...

Women Suffer Because of Medical Misinformation About Debilitating Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain isn't something like a stomach ache, and it isn't caused by mental conflict about being female, but too often, it is seen as either, and the monthly pain persists.

Potential Health Expenses for Canadians to Consider With Aging

Do you already have an existing health issue? Are you impacted currently by a chronic illness or disability? What has your healthcare team advised you to plan for as you age?

DIY Calcium Powder From Eggshells

Eggs are nature's perfect food. However, most people think nothing of throwing out eggshells,. Eggshells are an excellent source of natural calcium, around 40%