Editors Choice




A Hidden Fact. Death Certificates Shouldn’t Lie, Correct?

Remember the words “there are only two things you have to do: die and pay taxes?” Too many don’t pay taxes but no one...

Convalescent Plasma Is Hardly A “Breakthrough”

Convalescent plasma is the liquid portion of the blood of individuals who have recovered from COVID-19. In the plasma are hundreds of proteins, including the antibodies that are developed by the body after it has fought off the infection.

Cabin Fever Ravages Us as It Makes Itself Known Again Everywhere

The virus and its variants now swirling around the globe have apparent symptoms both visible and hidden, and it may be the hidden ones that pose the...

The Drink That Destroys Children’s Minds Forever

We tell everyone to drink plenty of water each day, unaware of the damage contaminated water may be doing, especially to kids' brains.