Health News and Views




Colostrum, Breastmilk’s Magical Ingredient and What it Contains

Colostrum is the magical ingredient in mothers breastmilk that provides a newborn with all sorts of protection and helps to boost immunity

How Republican Radicals Are Weaponizing Healthcare in America

Seditious elements within the GOP are weaponizing healthcare as a tool to further their racist, white supremacy goals. They're even holding conferences to strategize.

Color Based Care Still Taints American Healthcare

Healthcare has to assume responsibility for its failure to address color based care in the industry. Gender and racial bias still permeate American Healthcare.

Is it Safe to Breastfeed my Baby? Breastmilk and Environmental Toxins

Despite toxins and chemicals being present in breastmilk, we strongly encourage all mothers to breastfeed their babies, especially in the first few days after birth