Patient Zone




Fasting May Fight Cancer

GOT CANCER? A FASTING-MIMICKING diet may lead to positive changes in your metabolism and immune system. A new study from Milan (Italy) suggests that a severe calorie-restriction...

The Power of Words

Harnessing Communications Across Disciplines to Heal Our Environment. The power of words must be translated into meaningful actions

Dr. Sherrill Sellman on Medika’s Quack Scale

Dr. Sherrill Sellman scores 5 out of 5 on Medika's Quack Scale. She poses a high risk to the general public and we recommend against following any of her advice.

Your Brain on Cortisol During COVID-19, Your Brain on #Neurononsense

Judging from Amazon reviews, there really seems to be a mutual admiration society of advice gurus and self-help experts just loving each other’s work. All self-help merchandise have ratings way above average