Patient Zone




INOVIO’s COVID-19 Vaccine Shows Durable Antibody and T Cell Responses

INOVIO's COVID-19 DNA Vaccine INO-4800 Provides Protection with Memory Immune Responses In Non-Human Primates Challenged with SARS-CoV-2 Virus

Strength Training and Sleep

WHICH HELPS WITH SLEEP? STRENGTH TRAINING or aerobic activity? You probably know that aerobic activities promote good sleep, but you may be surprised to hear...

Adult Bedtime Stories: Researched Fact or Clever Marketing?

The pandemic has worsened insomnia experienced by adults in the US. It is a disturbance that adds to the difficulties the virus has wrought...

The Medika Life 50 – The Most Influential Voices in Healthcare for 2022

Medika Life 50 Top Healthcare Voices of Influence for 2022. Engage with leading voices, amplify their reach and expand your network.