




The epilepsies are a spectrum of brain disorders ranging from severe, life-threatening and disabling, to ones that are much more benign. In epilepsy, the normal pattern of neuronal activity becomes disturbed

Early-onset Alzheimer’s and Its Misdiagnosis Tragedies

One current theory is that this type of Alzheimer’s may be familial, but a similar form is found in those with Down Syndrome. Estimates suggest that 50 percent or more of people with Down syndrome will develop dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease as they age.

Parkinson’s: What’s Behind the Fastest-Growing Brain Disease?

COULD PARKINSON’S DISEASE DRAMATIC RISE result from exposure to a common chemical?

Is the Keto Diet Right for You in 2021? Nutrition and Medical Evidence.

Here’s What the Evidence and the Experts Have to Say. A physician and a dietitian explain how the ketogenic diet works and who can benefit from it.