For Doctors




Vitaccess is Reshaping Digital Health in the U.K.

Medika has identified Vitaccess for our Healthcare Innovation watch list. This UK based Digital Startup offers innovative and exciting approaches to data management that directly benefit patient outcomes.

Five Billion People Unprotected from Trans Fat Leading to Heart Disease

Five billion people globally remain unprotected from harmful trans fat, a new status report from WHO has found, increasing their risk of heart disease...

Artificial Intelligence May Render Some Medical Specialties Obsolete

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) IS ALREADY ENCROACHING in many medical specialties and may render some obsolete. This issue arose when my hospital’s radiology medical director explained that...

Theranos’ Biggest Crime is Casting Doubt on Consumer Diagnostics

One casualty of the Theranos scandal is that the idea of convenient, more accessible, diagnostic blood tests. We need great, consumer-focused, diagnostic care that lead to definitive answers around patients’ risk of disease and the ability to stay on top of chronic conditions.