Healthcare Policy and Opinion




How Fragmentation in U.S. Health Care Disrupts Standardized Medical Data

How Fragmented Healthcare policies from state to state affect the flow of medical data within the US. Data can only be managed effectively

Sorry Night Owl, Early Bird are Healthier

Are you the type of person who is more active at night, stays up more often, and sleeps during the day? Here are seven steps you can do if you’re a night owl.

Suicide by Cop Results in Shared Pain and Mental Illness

Police officers have three things they may share with those who wish to end their misery; high rates of suicide, substance abuse disorders, and marital difficulties. Mental health disorders do not disappear once a uniform is donned.

Physicians Aren’t Becoming Obsolete, The Standards Of Care Are

AI is changing our expectations of knowledge and outcomes in medicine. So, what will tomorrow’s accepted best practices be?