Healthcare Policy and Opinion




As AI and LLMs Supercharge Digital Health Possibilities – Here Are Medika’s Top 20 ’24 Influential Voices to Follow

Follow these 20 voices pioneering thinking around augmented intelligence and large language models (LLMs) and you will be ahead of the health transformation curve

When Death Is Inevitable, Why Is Our DNR Ignored?

A peaceful death is what all of us wish for, and with that in mind, many will prepare a DNR form. Why do healthcare professionals ignore our requests?

AI Is Really Augmented Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is at the center of medical transformation. Its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and detect patterns that would be otherwise impossible for humans to identify is an inflection point for many aspects of care.

One More Peril of Short Sleep

“Sleep, those little slices of death — how I loathe them.”― Edgar Allan Poe A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IS ASSOCIATED WITH A LOWER RISK of developing fatty liver...