Healthcare Policy and Opinion




The Truth about Masking

Wearing a mask is simply an act of compassion, showing you care about your fellow man and limiting the infectiousness of your breath. Remember, some of us are fortunate and can contract the disease and carry the virus, yet not even be aware of it. We are, in medical terms, asymptomatic.

The Best Diet Move I’ve Made

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR: THE “DIRTY DOZEN” fruits and vegetables proclamation. Let’s look at this annual (and controversial) ranking of non-organic fruits and vegetables...

Violence in Healthcare Should Never Be “Just Part of the Job”

The NY Times published an article about violence against healthcare workers. It was heart-wrenching to read: Last year one of my patients was on the phone, lamenting...

The Tricky Politics of Healthy Ageing

To get the best value for money, our politicians should focus on non-medical interventions.