



The Benefits of Using Wellness Apps Are Likely Exaggerated, False, or Unproven

By the end of this article, you will understand why you should be skeptical about the impressive claims from promoters of the apps like the Happify app that “86% of the users showed an increase in their happiness score after 8 weeks of regular use

One in Five Deaths Among Young Adults is Due to Alcohol

ONE IN FIVE DEATHS OF YOUNG ADULTS ages 20 to 49 is secondary to excessive alcohol use in the United States. For individuals ages 20 to 64, drinking-related deaths account for one in eight. These are the statistics offered by a new population-based study.

Oxycodone No Better in Treating Post-Orthopedic Surgical Pain

The opioid crisis has taken the lives of thousands of people in our country. In fact, according to the CDC, opioid overdose deaths hit...

Gil Bashe of FINN Partners

Gil Bashe of Finn Partners is a leading influencer in health and the field of healthcare in the United States. His vast experience and ability to network within health