
Vaccine Passports. Where Does Your State Stand? A List of all 50 States

Vaccine passports have proved hugely divisive. Most states are moving to, or have already outlawed them, while some choose to…

4 years ago

Independence From COVID Will Only Come With Vaccination

The only way we will truly be independent from COVID is through vaccination.

4 years ago

Held for Ransom. A New Pandemic is Sweeping American Healthcare

Your personal information and most private details are being sold on the dark web. Ransomware attacks on healthcare are frequent.…

4 years ago

Treating Lifestyles . The Structural Gap in Patient Care

Managing Chronic Disease requires a more focused approach, in terms of prevention and management. Lifestyle choices are a critical part…

4 years ago

Dr. Shi Zhengli, Wuhan’s Batwoman Speaks Out on Covid and Lab Leak Theory

Dr. Shi Zhengli,,Wuhan Batwoman, spoke to a New York Times reporter to offer her side of the story on Lb…

4 years ago

Texas Judge Makes Covid Vaccines Mandatory in Texas. Vaccinate or be Fired

Texas mandates Covid vaccines as Judge Lynn Hughes decides for Houston Methodist. Staff will face mandatory vaccination or lose their…

4 years ago

Central Dogma has Lost its Dog

The Central Dogma of Biology. Biological information flows along a one-way street, or does it? A new paper questions the…

4 years ago

Ironhand 2.0 – The new version of award-winning exoskeleton glove

Medtech company Bioservo Technologies is releasing an updated version of the groundbreaking exoskeleton glove – Ironhand® 2.0

4 years ago

Time for Health Industry to Deliver Value-Based Equitable Care

Our health system extends into every aspect of our lives in ways that we never considered before. Value based, equitable…

4 years ago

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