Therapies and Therapists




The Difference Between A Psychiatrist, Psychologist, and Psychotherapist

A High-level overview showcasing the differences and similarities between psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy,

Surprises in the Authorship of a Paper About MDMA to Treat PTSD

The largest number of authors (12) are with MAPS. The for-profit corporation will manage sales for prescription MDMA when it is approved by the FDA

How Somatic Body Responses Benefit Your Coaching Practice

The best way we can self regulate is to understand and accept our own physical and emotional response in the here and now. In this experience, we remain authentic to ourselves and with others.

Burnout Threatens Primary Care Workforce and Doctors’ Mental Health

Burnout in the health care industry is a widespread problem that long predates the covid-19 pandemic, though the chaos introduced by the coronavirus’s spread made things worse.