Mental Health




The Shadow of a Smile Has Magic in It

Today the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is one that strongly supports the idea that we can manage our nervous and immune system by our emotions.

Why Is There No True, Empathic Patient Engagement or Is There?”

Healthcare professionals have entered a field where empathy, compassion, and an ability to relate well to patients are implicitly mandated.

The Truth about Masking

Wearing a mask is simply an act of compassion, showing you care about your fellow man and limiting the infectiousness of your breath. Remember, some of us are fortunate and can contract the disease and carry the virus, yet not even be aware of it. We are, in medical terms, asymptomatic.

College Applicants Do Have the Means to Fight Mental Health Discrimination

Those with mental health disorders may find it especially hard to fill out college applications and wait for a response, which can be a very stressful time. If denied, there are ways to handle possible discrimination.