Mental Health




The Power of Lifestyle Choices – The Dose of Truth in “Heal Thyself”

“You need to lose weight.”   Doctors say that to patients every day.  What they don’t do is tell patients how to do it.  That’s...

Your Brain Benefits From Walking

I AM NOT GOING TO LIE: I worry about losing some of my cognitive abilities as I age. A new study confirms my belief that exercise can...

The Dangers of Fighting Cigarette Addiction With Vaping Are Not Vague

Vaping may not contribute to lung cancer the way cigarettes do, but there are still dangers in that “smoke.”

No Tsunami of Mental Illness Accompanies Covid-19

Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were likely to be experiencing some anxiety (worried) or depressive symptoms (sad, pessimistic) that were not serious enough to justify a diagnosis of major depression or a serious anxiety disorder.