Mental Health




One Simple Way to Protect Your Brain

“Cognitive decline in late adulthood is becoming the №1 public health problem we face as a country, particularly as the baby boomers age.” That’s the view...

A California Medical Group Treats Only Homeless Patients — And Makes Money Doing It

LOS ANGELES — They distribute GPS devices so they can track their homeless patients. They stock their street kits with glass pipes used to...

Aiding and Abetting a Virus

Viruses are the ultimate freeloaders. The best among them — influenza, smallpox and SARS-CoV-2 — spread easily among human hosts while delivering high mortality...

Sleep With a Partner for More Restful Sleep: Yes or No?

WHOLE BED TO YOURSELF BETTER? I am betting that you would guess that sleeping alone would give you more restful sleep. Surely, avoiding someone with insomnia or who is all over the place when they sleep is better, right?