Mental Health




Stop Owning a Cancer Diagnosis

Sitting on hold on the phone a few years ago during active cancer treatment to speak to one of my Texas Oncology providers, I...

Patient/Therapist Confidentiality Has Its Limits. What Are They?

Once someone enters psychotherapy, they expect that whatever they say during a session will be protected by confidentiality, but this is not always the case.

FDA Approval of New Drug for Alzheimer’s Offers Hope

The FDA approves Aduhelm for the treatment of early Alzheimer's disease. Aduhelm targets brain plaque formation to slow the rate of cognitive decline.

Walmart’s Paid Sick Leave Policy is the Punchline to an Abusive Employer Joke

While Walmart's profits soared in 2020, employee records show 7,618 cases of COVID-19 and 133 deaths from COVID-19 that could have been prevented. The