Mental Health




Deceptive Fairy Tales and the Desperate Worshiping at the Altar of Beauty

Fairy tales begin to embed the belief in childhood that beauty is the primary goal of life, and we believe it to our detriment.

Voices of Chaos: The Archetypes of Social Media Banter

Social media is messy, and not everyone fits neatly into a box. Enter the hybrids, where archetypes mix, creating unique combinations that mirror today’s chaotic banter.

No Tsunami of Mental Illness Accompanies Covid-19

Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were likely to be experiencing some anxiety (worried) or depressive symptoms (sad, pessimistic) that were not serious enough to justify a diagnosis of major depression or a serious anxiety disorder.

The Cohen Clinic Expands Mental Health Treatments for Active Duty Service Members

The Cohen Clinic at Metrocare in Addison, Texas now offering individual mental health therapy for active duty service members.