Mental Health




How Dare You Criticize Psychiatrists Who Praise Studies of Psychedelics As Antidepressants?

All claims about treatments affecting human health and well-being should be subject to robust review. That review requires someone to facilitate criticism, locate qualified critics, and bring them into the discussion.

Your Jewish Friends Are Not Alright

My Facebook page is a constant scroll of heartbreak.  Post after post of people I know and don’t share heart-crushing words about loved ones...

Cher’s Severe, Hidden Disorder Chipped Away at Her Self-Esteem

Always a student who struggled in school, Cher finally decided she was too dumb and left early. Now she knows she's not dumb but has a diagnosable disorder, dyslexia.

Texas Senator Attempts to Stop All Required Vaccinations in Proposed Bill

Texas Senator Bob Hall proposes Senate Bill 1669 banning all vaccine requirements in Texas.