Mental Health




What’s “Emotional CPR” and Should We Be Using It More

Forms of therapy for our emotional needs are abundant, and some are downright wrong, but there’s a new kid on the block, and we need to examine it and what it does.

“Self-Care” – Wisdom Discovered Among the Papers of a Beloved Parent

If the concept of self-care were broadened to include devoting my energy to attend to all my needs, wants, thoughts and feelings, the either/or dilemma might recede.

5 Benefits of Virtual Counselling

In this Covid-19 pandemic, there is increasing popularity in regards to teletherapy, also known as virtual counselling

Big Boys Do Cry, and It’s a Normal Reaction, Not Weakness

Crying in boys and men is not a sign of weakness but one of the normal expressions of extreme joy or brutal loss, and it should be encouraged.