Habits for Healthy Minds




10-Year-Old Killers Are Responsible for Their Actions?

Should society hold children who murder accountable for such acts?

Untangling the False Binary of “Medical vs. Mind-Body”

One of the common stumbling blocks that can come up on the path of chronic pain recovery is confusion about whether or not a mind-body approach is right for you.

The Benefits of Using Wellness Apps Are Likely Exaggerated, False, or Unproven

By the end of this article, you will understand why you should be skeptical about the impressive claims from promoters of the apps like the Happify app that “86% of the users showed an increase in their happiness score after 8 weeks of regular use

Sleep’s Sweet Spot. You Need This Much Sleep to Prevent Cognitive Decline

Know how long you should be sleeping each night, especially as you age? Research has identified the sweet spot for sleep