Habits for Healthy Minds




Your Jewish Friends Are Not Alright

My Facebook page is a constant scroll of heartbreak.  Post after post of people I know and don’t share heart-crushing words about loved ones...

Your Brain on Cortisol During COVID-19, Your Brain on #Neurononsense

Judging from Amazon reviews, there really seems to be a mutual admiration society of advice gurus and self-help experts just loving each other’s work. All self-help merchandise have ratings way above average

Added Sugars: A Masterclass

It’s January, and there’s a solid chance “eat better” is on your list of goals and resolutions. If you’ve turned to the internet for...

Old Theories, Questionable Experts, and Mental Disturbances Need to Be Deconstructed

Zeitgeist is a word we don’t often use today, but it is as relevant today as it was when I attended graduate school. Yet, we...