Habits for Healthy Minds




Kids’ Cell Phones Are Seen as Causing Too Many Problems: Is It Valid?

Data often pushes changes when technology makes it imperative that we do so, and today, we are seeing something we've never seen before; the...

Working Less Is Not Goofing Off — It Makes Mental Health Sense

Too often, taking a "mental health day" off or working four days instead of five is riddled with guilt because we believe not working is wrong and that we should work a whole week.

Freedom May Be Anxiety-Provoking, So Should We Avoid It?

One of the foremost psychoanalysts, Erich Fromm, wrote a provocative book many decades ago outlining how freedom related to anxiety.

Old Theories, Questionable Experts, and Mental Disturbances Need to Be Deconstructed

Zeitgeist is a word we don’t often use today, but it is as relevant today as it was when I attended graduate school. Yet, we...