Habits for Healthy Minds




Preserve Your Mind With a Positive Belief System and Reduced Stress

Aging doesn’t have to mean a steady decline in your brain power if you do one simple thing, and that involves your outlook on life.

Interesting Findings Of Weekend Only Drinking

In their provocative recent report, researchers observe that “a significant amount of binge drinking among adults escapes public health scrutiny” because it occurs among people who drink at a moderate average level.

One More Reason I Don’t Eat Large Meals Late at Night

Research suggests another good reason to avoid big meals late in the day: Large meals after 5 p.m. could increase one's risk of type 2 diabetes.

Beyond the Treadmill: Finland’s Surprise Twist on Longevity Unveiled

A groundbreaking new study from Finland reveals a surprising twist on the relationship between exercise and longevity.