Disorders and Conditions




Questioning the Truth That “Body Language” Tells All

Experts have come out of the woodwork to offer their insights into the true meaning and what body language reveals about someone, but is it cross-cultural or are there other considerations here?

Invisible Disabilities Need Our Attention and Understanding Like No Others

Subtle differences in behavior and ineptness in social interactions are only some of the overt symptoms of neurodivergent disorders.

This Is How Emotional Invalidation Can Lead to Chronic Pain — And How To Heal

When our emotional wounds aren’t acknowledged and tended to with care so that they can heal, our nervous system produces armor to protect us from further harm.

If Gambling Is a Damaging Addiction, States Should Cease Lotteries

States run lotteries, offering winners multimillions, and then turning around and offering gambling rehab programs is a contradictory process.