Anxiety and Depression




Interesting Findings Of Weekend Only Drinking

In their provocative recent report, researchers observe that “a significant amount of binge drinking among adults escapes public health scrutiny” because it occurs among people who drink at a moderate average level.

A Year With 988: What Worked? What Challenges Lie Ahead?

The Suicide & Crisis Lifeline’s 988 hotline marked its one-year milestone this month. Mental health experts say the three-digit number made help more accessible than before.

Sniffing Out Depression and Anxiety

Depression seemed linked to an increased awareness of social odors (for example, the “good” and “bad” smells of other individuals.

Why It is Imperative We Redefine Mental Illness and How We Treat It

The article that prompted this one was published recently in Medscape and the title alone deserves submission to the Oxford Dictionary under the term...