Mental Health




Psychiatry Is Turning to Nutrition in a New Appreciation of Food as “Medicine”

What was once “old” is now “new” again, and that includes food-related remedies for illness, both physical and mental.

Once-Resistant Rural Court Officials Begin to Embrace Medications to Treat Addiction

DANDRIDGE, Tenn. — Rachel Solomon and judges hadn’t been on the best of terms. Then Judge O. Duane Slone “dumbfounded” her. Solomon was given...

Are Virtual Meetings Stifling Your Creativity?

With the rise of the COVID19 pandemic, many of us have an increasing volume of work interactions mediated through computer screens. Collaboration accelerates care decisions.

What Can You Do To Prevent Developing a Chronic Disease?

Healthy lifestyles mean more years of healthy life. And remember, it was not just more years of life but fewer chronic illnesses for a longer “health span.”