Mental Health




Kindness and Charity Benefit Us More Than We Know

Kindness and special consideration for others who may be in need physically or mentally shouldn’t be limited to certain times of the year. Goodness...

Updating Maslow’s Theory in the Ever-Evolving AI Era

By combining Maslow's Pyramid with AI advancements, technology is leveraged to better understand, support, and elevate human experiences in the modern world.

You Can Learn from Random Act of Kindness Activists

SPREAD RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS, and you can boost your happiness and health. Today we explore how giving can boost your psychological and physical well-being. In...

Surprises in the Authorship of a Paper About MDMA to Treat PTSD

The largest number of authors (12) are with MAPS. The for-profit corporation will manage sales for prescription MDMA when it is approved by the FDA