



“Vaccinated People Die, Too”

Yes, people who have been vaccinated against COVID have died of the disease. Those numbers are dwarfed by the numbers of unvaccinated people who have died form COVID. The evidence is very, very strong.

Unscrupulous Corporations Are Stealing Your DNA

They collect your DNA with every swab, and it’s sent to a laboratory for analysis. Then where does that sample go, and who has access to the data extracted? Not you.

Alcohol + Capitalism = Deadlier Than COVID

It was always stupid to make alcohol ubiquitous during the pandemic. In the early days of the pandemic, two things shocked and dismayed me above other...

Vaccine Patents Come with Ethical Dilemmas Bringing Life or Death

Patents are essential in the pharmaceutical industry to ensure commercial viability and financial returns but how do they effect public access to vaccines in a pandemic?