



Tennessee Fires Top Doctor Over Vaccine Policy and She Is Not Holding Back

Dr. Michelle Fiscus, the top vaccine official in Tennessee, was fired for promoting the Covid-19 for teenagers to reduce the risk in schools.

Oleander 4X Snakeoil. The Story Behind a Fake Covid Cure

This is the story of how a pharma company has milked a practically useless compound for the last 20 years, misleading its investors and offering the public hopes of miracle cures for everything from Alzheimer's, to cancers and Covid.

Calling Tomorrow. Has Time Proven Covid Quacks and Conspiracy Theorists Right or Wrong?

Have any of the prominent anti-vaccine voices been proven right over the last year? Covid misinformation defies logic, time an reasoning.

What’s Been So Maddening (and Humbling) About Covid-19

A doctor writes about his frustration with Covid-19 and how humbling the experience has been