



GcMAF, a Cancer Cure Con That Just Refuses to Die, Returns to Cure Covid

GcMAF is a fake cure sold to cure or treat Covid-19, cancer, diabetes, autism, and a host of other diseases. It doesn't work and quacks continue

Covid Patients in India Warned About Scammers Selling Fake Medicines and Cures

Covid Patients in India are being sold fake medications, black market remdesivir and tocilizumab, by scammers. Here is how you can identify a scammer and stay safe.

The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons Want Access to Hydroxychloroquine

More Evidence Presented for Why Hydroxychloroquine Should be Made Available, in a New Court Filing by the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons

The Data Are In: Steroids Should Be Standard Of Care For COVID-19

Multiple studies were published in JAMA with respect to steroids and outcomes in COVID-19. The most important one was a meta-analysis, which is a study of multiple randomized trial data