



How COVID and the Power of Now Killed Scientific Peer Review

How long do or should clinical trials take – well, it depends – but often years. Science takes time. It demands rigor and objectivity. It’s not a “now” pursuit.

The Complete Dummies Guide to Covid PCR Testing for Conspiracy Fans

PCR tests have revolutionized many areas of Medicine and are very reliable tools that are dependent on being used correctly to ensure accuracy

How Much Does a Booster Shot Protect Against Omicron?

Prefer to listen to this article? Watch this article here. Omicron cases are finally starting to go down. Omicron has been gripping the world for the...

Pfizer Confirms mRNA Vaccine Never Tested for Preventing COVID Transmission

In a startling disclosure at the EU COVI Hearings in Brussels on the 10th of October 2022, Janine Small admitted in response to a...