Editors Choice




Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thank you, Dr. King, for giving your life so my children and I can have a better one. We are eternally grateful for all you have done.

Patient Satisfaction Surveys Earn a Zero on Tracking Whether Hospitals Deliver Culturally Competent Care

The CAHPS survey is required by the federal government for many health care facilities, and the hospital version of it is required for most acute care hospitals. Low scores can induce financial penalties, and hospitals reap financial rewards for improving scores or exceeding those of their peers.

First “Global State of Digital Health Report” Tapping into 200 Million Data Points Examines More Than 12,000 Digital Health Ventures Now Available

Breaking Digital Health Report Will Guide C-Suite Entrepreneurs and Private Equity Investment Strategies

Startling Statistic: Growing Trend of Breast Cancer in Younger Females

There is a growing trend of breast cancer in younger females.