Editors Choice




Amount of Virus in Lungs Tied to Death from COVID-19

It has happened to me and my colleagues far too often: watching a patient die from complications of COVID-19. While the ultimate cause of...

Telogen Effluvium, Hair Loss in Pregnancy and Postpartum

During the natural course of your life your hair falls out at a rate of around 100 hairs a day. This occurs over the space of the 24 hours and you'll notice these stray hairs in your bath tub

Do You Hear What I Hear? The Bane of Tinnitus

Hearing is one of our most important senses because it alerts us to danger and the joys of life, and when it is impaired, patients suffer emotional trauma.

Hospital Billing and Patient Experience

Healthcare billing creates problems for the patients' experience - why and what are our solutions?