Editors Choice




Your Next Mammogram Could Be a Game Changer: AI Sees What We Miss

A new study published in Radiology, a journal of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), suggests artificial intelligence (AI) could be the game-changer we’ve been waiting for.

Should We Follow the French When It Comes to Nitrites?

This week, France announced that it intends to cut the use of nitrites in food. The disturbing context: The French National Health Agency confirmed that nitrite raises our cancer risk.

We Know the Health Ecosystem is Fragmented, Resulting in Rising Costs and Poorer Patient Outcomes, But What Are We Doing About It?

As We Enter the “Post-Fragmentation” Period, Health System Kinetics Points Us Toward Solutions

Guns Kill Kids But Policies Push the Mental Health Crisis in the US

Hospitals are buckling under the weight of an inordinate number of kids needing mental health admissions, and healthcare desperately needs help as much as the kids do.