Editors Choice




Breast Cancer Spreads in the Night

A new study published in Nature hints that this cancer spread mostly occurs during the night as its host sleeps.

Long COVID-19: What Doctors Want You to Know

Approximately 15 percent of those with a COVID-19 infection will develop long COVID. Long COVID is prevalent and more common among females and older individuals.

Immunity Passports Are the Worst Idea to Come Out of the Pandemic

Immunity Passports reflecting our vaccine status for the Covid Vaccine are on the tips of everyone's tongue. Are these passports increasing inequality

Dr. Shi Zhengli, Wuhan’s Batwoman Speaks Out on Covid and Lab Leak Theory

Dr. Shi Zhengli,,Wuhan Batwoman, spoke to a New York Times reporter to offer her side of the story on Lb Leaks and politics clouding science