Health News and Views




The Nation’s Only Virtual At-Home Detox Programs from Workit Health Expands

Workit Health now offers the nation’s only virtual at-home detox programs for alcohol. The program includes daily video check-ins with a medical care team and prescribed medication to safely detox at home

Worshiping at The Alter of Zach Bush’s Messianic Health Cult

Zach Bush examined again, in response to supporters of the alternative health community and the health cult Bush has built around himself. Is he a quack?

We Call Out Reiner Fuellmich as a Fraud. The Covid Conspirator Investigated

Reiner Fuellmich is the Covid Conspiracy theorist spreading fake news across the internet. We call him out on his latest nonsensical article published recenty.

What You Say on TeleHealth Doesn’t Stay on Telehealth. How Patient Data is Under Threat

If you use a Telehealth platform your data is being stored and may be sold for commercial gain to the highest bidder. The safety of Patient Data is