Erica Johansen
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Erica’s work has proven that personal storytelling and community building can spark connections, productive conversations, and meaningful industry change. Throughout her career, she has led marketing strategy, corporate communications, business development, and online community management for several companies in the healthcare and emerging technology sectors.
After completing her bachelor of arts in public relations from Xavier University, she started her career with a market-leading healthcare integration engine vendor where she launched and managed #HITsm (health IT social media), one of the first social media communities that brought healthcare IT professionals, providers, and patients from across the industry together.
As a recognized speaker for national events such as HCIC and HIMSS conferences, Erica covers topics including patient engagement, patient experience, caregiver support, and how to leverage social media as a thought leader. She has also served as a board member for organizations including DFW HIMSS and Social Media Dallas.
Additionally, Erica is a dedicated philanthropist and community leader. She completed the Emerging Leaders in Philanthropy program through the Communities Texas Foundation in 2019, maintains her partnership with Social Venture Partners Dallas, and recently launched a non-profit, August's Artists, to provide hospitalized children and their families with access to coloring materials and artwork that inspires healing.
United States
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Fields of Interest
Cancer, Patient Care, Patient Voice, Healthcare
3 years ago
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A hugely moving insight into the life of a parent of a pediatric cancer victim. We always feel deeply for young patients, but the parents bear their own kind of trauma.
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