Health News and Views




How My Breast Cancer Providers Have Compromised My Life

Being poor can get you killed. A damning indictment of breast cancer Providers from a Medicaid survivor of a double mastectomy.

Goop and Gwyneth Paltrow. The Rise of The Celebrity Quack

Goop is Gwyneth Paltrow's platform that is increasingly peddling personal health and advising her followers to use practices and products that are not medically suited

Why Policymakers in Asia-Pacific Should Facilitate Digital Health Innovation

Re-invention, re-imagination, and transformation of the health sector across the world are enabled by technological capabilities and innovation.

Before Looking at the Results of the Paper on MDMA to Treat PTSD…

So what really is the truth about MDMA and PTSD. Does this research published in Science hold up to scrutiny is is there a problem. Watch this space