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New CRISPR-Based Test for COVID-19 Uses a Smartphone Camera

Imagine swabbing your nostrils, putting the swab in a device, and getting a read-out on your phone in 15 to 30 minutes that tells you if you are infected with the COVID-19 virus

Fifty of the Most Impactful Tech Innovators in Digital Healthcare in 2021

The Medika Life Top 50 Watch list for digital health companies impacting the healthcare industry in 2021 and beyond. Catch rising stars as

Texas Senator Attempts to Stop All Required Vaccinations in Proposed Bill

Texas Senator Bob Hall proposes Senate Bill 1669 banning all vaccine requirements in Texas.

In the Face of Horror, Hope is a Vital Mental Health Resource

Israel and Hamas are close geographically and worlds apart in mindset—the role of hope and hate in setting national priorities and determining purpose.