Medical Students




Thinking About Making a Career Move or Job Change?

A career move or job change is never easy. Lots of thoughts, factors, and pros/cons go into a decision as important as this one. Sometimes it helps to ask yourself a few key questions to decide whether or not to make that first move.

Voluntary Recall: Two Lots of NP Thyroid® Tablets, Due to Sub Potency

Acella Pharmaceuticals, LLC is voluntarily recalling one lot of 15-mg and one lot of 120-mg NP Thyroid®, Thyroid Tablets, USP [levothyroxine (T4) and liothyronine (T3)] to the consumer level.

ICU Rule #8: Treat The Patient

I can make abnormal numbers go away...that doesn't mean I have done the patient any good.

Medical Bias and the “Stupid, Old Patient Syndrome” That Infects Healthcare Workers

Healthcare discrimination can be seen in “one out of five adults over the age of 50 years (who) experience bias in healthcare settings.